greetings! you're currently reading a love letter to CSS, signed 5 a.m. Girlfriend. ever since web design became my hobby, i've devoted countless hours to this little corner of the internet. here you'll find a variety of themed journals and shrines, cataloguing my daily experiences and miscellaneous interests.
for me, diary-keeping is both a coping mechanism and creative outlet. and in this era, an online diary is much easier to customise and keep up with than a physical one. as much as i loved my paper-and-pen journals, i'm glad to have taken on this new medium. i'll never go back!
this website also showcases my pixel collection, which i have been steadily amassing since 2014. as of now, it boasts more than 70,000 grahpics from all over the web! lately, i've been using a lot of pictures related to my special interest, too, just for the fun of it. even CSS itself energises me— it's so freeing! i love to come up with new designs for each page, and then customise them to my exact liking.
in general, 5 a.m. GF is a project born of unabashed self-indulgence, with myself and my real-life fiancée as the primary audience. of course, even if you don't fall into that narrow selection, i'm glad that you're here! thank you for coming. i hope you enjoy your stay.
but who is the webmaster behind it all, you ask? well, pleased to make your acquaintaince! my screen name is Five. i'm a 21 year-old woman, cuteness enthusiast, literal angel, etc. if i had a tail, rest assured that it would be wagging near constantly.
Strengths | patient, intuitive, cheerful. fits in small spaces |
Weaknesses | asocial, stubborn, slothful. can't smell or taste |
Hobbies | reading, self-reflection, playing devil's advocate |
Personality | enneagram 9. dorodere. cleric. existentialist |
Likes | wildflowers, gingham, multitasking, pigeons |
Dislikes | female socialisation, spicy peppers, men |
Goal | to spend many peaceful days together with my wife |
Appearance | petite form, wild hair. wears child-sized shoes |
Fatal Flaw | hiccups incessantly when excited |
"Well, I'd say you're... unique!" — sister cousin
"Sometimes I can't tell when you're joking." — mother of mine
"You're a gregarious loner." — late father
"And where is the protein in that meal?" — well-intentioned auntie
"I've never known her to have any friends." — well-intentioned uncle
"You're a little angel." — grandma (sincere)
"Who's my baby? Who's my little baby? You are! You are! ♥♥♥!" — Twelve