2020 November

Daily Gratitude

music i liked when i was young

chamomile tea with honey

soft things. nice textures.

the clean sweatshirt in which I am swaddled

vitamin D supplements

Spotify free trial is often quite convenient


brief moments of reprieve

sometimes i am a really effecient grocery shopper

i saw a tabby cat! it looked healthy

warm things to put on my tummy

laying down, listening to a beloved voice, feeling at peace

catchy songs that get stuck in my head but i don't mind cause they're fun to sing

functional dishwasher

the weekend is coming up! i'm excited to relax a little bit

i saw an old magazine advert for a Garfield plush. it was so cute that i grinned. he looks so funny and soft.

i can drink cold water as often as i want

i love my stuffed animals

my bed is warm and comfy

language. vocabulary. so cool.

with just a cellphone, i can listen to radio broadcasts from anywhere in the world

halloween decorations. someone on my block moved the skeletons from their yard to sit upright on a bench on their porch. it's very cute.

i love to take a hot shower and put on fuzzy pyjama pants

even at times like this, i can laugh and be happily distracted

my shoes are warm and comfy

i made this page ahead of time, and don't have to worry about designing it!

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