happy halloween! it was really, really cold this morning. below freezing! i saw frost on the grass!!! i dressed warmly though, so hopefully i won't catch a cold.
this afternoon, the sun shone right on my face... it was really nice and warm. today was a weird day though. i'm sleepy.
it's another rainy day, pouring down since the morning. the wind's blown a bunch of leaves into the street, too. i wish that i could keep the window open and listen to the rain, but it's way too chilly. even now, i'm having a hard time typing because my fingers are so cold.
at times like this, i just want to crawl into bed. was it this cold in the house last year, too? i can't remember at all. i wish that i could go shopping for some warm things. it'd be nice to have a couple hoodies that are really soft on the inside. and a rain jacket with a hood... ah, i want to go to the thrift store......
the sun has come out at last! the past few days have been rainy or otherwise grey, but it looks like things will warm up a little bit now. i don't mind rainy days, but i do dislike how dark the mornings are. also, since i've been waking in the middle of the night lately, i notice a fog that settles over the entire neighbourhood... sometimes my window is frosted up, too. luckily, i did get that extra blanket so now i'm nice and cozy no matter the weather!
aside from schoolwork, all i do lately is add things to this website. it's really really fun!!! i feel like i'm learning a lot, too. maybe not any applicable or interesting knowledge... but i'm having fun and spending my time distracted and happy. what more can i ask for? i hope that it's not stupid to want to be distracted or happy. in any case, i'm really excited about the upcoming pages, especially the music journal. when i was rereading my old website the other day, i found that journal to be the funniest. plus, i'll get to keep track of my favourite songs again!
over the weekend, i watched The Politician (2019-) with family. it was really, really funny— like it had me laughing out loud! the writing was excellent, too. not a single scene was wasted. even though the episodes were only 30 minutes long, the storylines were so crazy good that they felt like a whole hour. when it comes time to write a simultaneously hilarious and heart-rending piece, i'll certainly think back to that zany little show. i think i'd like to watch the upcoming third season with family, as well.
normally, i avoid writing journal entries at night because it feels odd and inauthentic. it's much more pleasant to give an afternoon update, when the sun is still fresh in the sky or at least only meandering down into the evening. when it's pitch black out, when i'm sleepy enough to crawl right into bed... that feels like the wrong time to write here.
nonetheless, here is a little update. the weekend seemed to pass by in a blur, but i didn't mind it. the weather is nice: chilly but bright like a typical autumn. right now, i believe it is drizzling softly just as it has the entire evening. the sky is dark. i don't have to look out the window to say as much.
i can hardly focus though. i want nothing more than to take a short, scalding shower and go to bed... or at least to lay down. maybe it would be nice to write for pleasure, considering i've spent the past few hours vomiting up a boring (yet not entirely spurious) essay for university.
that's a new word i'm learning! spurious... an adjective describing something that is "plausible but false" and "intended to deceive."
anyway, i feel odd and grimy. i'm convinced that my next hours will be better spent horizontally. tomorrow, i want to tidy my room.
it was a foggy and chilly morning. the big tree outside my window has become yellower and yellower. lately, i've seen lots of blue and purple flowers.
i wonder if that's a popular colour for autumn? maybe, since it stands out so much against all the orange!
today, i had my first ever university midterm. there was no need to be nervous; it was really easy because it was just for my music class. i think i finished up in about 30 minutes, tops! hopefully i'll get a really awesome grade on the short essay portion. all in all, school is not too difficult when it comes to the content. no matter the subject, i seem to grasp the material easily. i guess that's the beauty of an entry level course!
something much more exciting: i really like this new page i'm making! it's super cute!!! i want to work on it all day, hehehe. the layout is really nice and pleasant to look at. i think as i add more entries, it will look better and better! it seems i've matured since i'm moving away from the "contained" style... there's nothing wrong with having the whole page scroll!!! in fact i think it's much better this way!!!
if that's the case, maybe it's time to revamp the other pages, too. it'd be nice to do a whole site makeover... i know i say that all the time, but it's really true! i'd like to go for a more simplistic, colourful look. there's no need to be overdramatic. plus, i've gained experience since the site launch. i think i can do a really good job! uwaaah i feel very excited about it. when i'm done, i'll move the old things into an archive!